About Mike Chapman

Mike Chapman is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and sexual trafficking, and a survivor of sexual assault by clergy as a young adult. In his spiritual journey to recovery, Mike has had to battle, among other things, anger, PTSD, anxiety, codependency, and addictive behaviors, including porn addiction. Mike is also a Full-Time Sign Language Interpreter and a Part-Time Santa Claus Portrayal Artist. He’s been happily married to his wife Beth for over 32 years, and they have 2 adult children – Lizzy and Mac. He and Beth live in Wilson, NC. Mike is currently a part-time Recovery Life Coach for both Polar Life Consulting and Husband Material. To find out more or to contact Mike, email him at PolarLifeConsulting@gmail.com and has a new podcast that is now available: “Healing for Male Survivors with Mike Chapman.”
More about Mike:
2-part video interview
Mike's Story - Part 1
(from January 2022) VIDEO Podcast: Husband Material with Drew Boa - Healing From Sexual Abuse, Part 1 “Mike's Story” (with Mike Chapman)
[Episode’s Description] You have to hear Mike's story. Mike Chapman is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), trafficking, and sexual assault as an adult by clergy. He is also an incredible man of God, a powerful encourager, and a Certified Husband Material Coach with over 3 years of freedom from porn.
Links to Audio versions of the same podcast episode:
Mike's Story - Part 2
(from February 2022) VIDEO Podcast: Husband Material with Drew Boa - Healing From Sexual Abuse, Part 2 “Learning to Heal” (with Mike Chapman)
[Episode’s Description] What is "normal" for survivors of sexual abuse? And what does healing look like? Mike Chapman offers validation and wisdom based on years of research and his personal healing journey. Mike Chapman is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), trafficking, and sexual assault as an adult by clergy. He is also an incredible man of God, a powerful encourager, and a Certified Husband Material Coach with over 3 years of freedom from porn.
Links to Audio versions of the same podcast episode:
Husband Material - Free PDF: What Is CSA Normal? (PDF mentioned in HM Podcast Part 2, above)
Mike’s Podcast and other Media Appearances
(from July 2023) VIDEO Podcast: Even Tacos Fall Apart - Mike Chapman (click on 2nd/3rd graphic to jump to full video as streamed on Twitch)
[Episode’s Description] “Mental Health Monday - Survivor Story” — Mike joined Momma on July 17, 2023 live on Twitch to talk about His Story of Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse & Trafficking as well as Sexual Assault by Clergy as a Young Adult
Links to Audio versions of the same podcast episode:
(from November 2022) VIDEO Podcast - Husband Material with Drew Boa - Male Survivors Of Sexual Abuse (with Mike Chapman and Dr. Doug Carpenter)
Special episode honoring Male Survivor Awareness Day (recorded live on October 25th, 2022) - What Male Survivors want non-survivors to know: What's it like to be a male survivor of sexual abuse? In our very first community-based episode, Husband Material men tell their stories of sexual abuse. You'll learn how to respond appropriately to the needs of male survivors. Hosted by Mike Chapman and Dr. Douglas Carpenter.
Links to Audio versions of the same podcast episode:
(from October 2022) (10/22) Podcast: No Longer Ashamed - Episode 54 - Panel: Toxic Masculinity and Male CSA (Childhood Sexual Abuse)
[Episode’s Description] In this episode we discus toxic masculinity with Mike Chapman and Nathan Spiteri. How it affects us and why as survivors are we susceptible to its affects. We are inundated with displays of toxic masculinity in all of the media, TV, Movies, video games all display unhealthy masculinity. What are the affects of this on our lives and the ones that we care about and how do we counter this?
Links to Audio versions of the podcast episode:
(from August 2022) VIDEO Podcast - Rachel Grant's Beyond Surviving - S9 Ep. 8: "Mike: Yes! Men Are Sex Trafficked, Too" (with Mike Chapman)
[Episode’s Description] In this episode, I connect with Mike Chapman. He is a survivor of incest/childhood sexual abuse and trafficking, and a survivor of sexual assault as an adult by clergy. His story is about his healing journey toward living his dream. Mike wants you to know that if you, "search for healing, you will find it!"
Links to Audio versions of the same podcast episode: